Book Reviews

As the saying goes, family is everything. In the right type of family setting, you will experience love, patience, closeness, and a helping hand. Winfale Park by Dr Dell Brand is about the Hapless family in Warilla. Warilla is a suburb of the city of Shellharbour, Australia within the Wollongong area. Penny, Dick, Rob, Bill, Bruce, Rosie, and Dud give their account about what it’s like to live in Warilla. To tell their stories, Brand dedicates a chapter to each individual to get their life perspectives. Let’s visit a few of the family members to set the stage. Penny is a part of the family due to her being with Dud, a basketball player, and the mother of his three children.

Penny and Dud both have news to share with each other. Penny tells Dud that their daughter Angel has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) while Dud wants to tell Penny that he has received the best contract proposal of his life as a ball player. Dud is passionate about playing, but will he put his passion aside for the sake of his daughter’s health? Bill, an architect, is married to Cassie and living in Sydney, in high society. The question is whether Bill and Cassie have prepared for a rainy day. If Bill loses his job, will they be able to continue to live life in this fashion? Also, if he loses his job, will he lose Cassie too? Les’ story is interwoven into everyone else’s account because he is emotionally distraught since the death of his wife, June. They had been married for about forty years, and now Les is beginning to lash out. June was the glue that kept the family together. With June deceased, Bruce is now his caretaker. Les is not pleased with the lifestyle that Bruce is living so he treats him badly.

Winfale Park by Dr Dell Brand gives a great perspective of how each member of the Hapless family sees themselves and those around them. We all know that everyone sees things differently, but in the end, family is family. Each character has their own challenges, but how these challenges will affect the Hapless family in the end is anyone’s guess. If you like stories about families and their dynamics, get your copy of Winfale Park by Dr. Dell Brand.

Reviewed By Vernita Naylor for Readers’ Favorite

Your book gave me so very many memories of the area that I loved.
Thank you so much.

Dorothy Green



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