Hi Everyone!

We are currently en route to Darwin, avoiding the cold of home and turning the holiday into a book-promoting tour. Whenever I can I visit a school where we are staying and talk to students and teachers about my books. We have come up the coast from Kiama and have been to Cardwell (devastated by Cyclone Yasi) and Townsville before turning west .
The response from kids and teachers has been fantastic and already I have great feedback on my new book History’s a Mystery Again.

I’ve also spent lots of time completing the fourth and last book in the series. (Remember that the third book, History’s Still a Mystery is already finished except for the final edit and should be out next year).

The fourth book is called History’s a Mystery Once More and I had fun writing a chapter on the four friends visiting a school 180 years ago. Boy! School was SO different back then! I’ve also written Australian adventures about Breaker Morant, Cyclone Tracy and pearl diving in Broome. Then there is a chapter on the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York. There’s also an adventure back to see a circus in 1930. So there will be lots of great things to read about in this final book in the series. Hopefully it will be out in 2013.

Bye for now. Don’t forget to keep reading!


PS If you haven’t already sent me a review on History’s a Mystery or History’s a Mystery Again, get busy!